Schedule dependable residential HVAC services in Tolleson, Phoenix, AZ or surrounding areas

When your air conditioner goes out, it can be easy to panic. Before you resort to drastic measures, turn to Blazing AZ HVAC-R. We offer AC repair services for homeowners in Tolleson, Phoenix, AZ and surrounding areas. Our technicians have the experience to troubleshoot and resolve various problems with your air conditioner.

Repair work isn't our only specialty. You can also call us when you need duct work, a new system installation or routine maintenance. No matter your request, you can rest easy knowing you're in good hands.

Call 602-474-6211 to schedule residential HVAC services today.

5 signs your air conditioner needs repairs

You probably don't think about your air conditioner until something goes wrong. But it's all you'll think about when you're sweating in your home.

Contact us for AC repair services if:


You have insufficient airflow


Your air conditioner blows hot air


There's water around your unit


Your air conditioner makes loud noises


Your energy bills are suddenly higher

Unusual odors are another sign you need residential HVAC services. Reach out for a free estimate.